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    Medical Models
    Product Details:

    With TestChest, Organis GmbH created an innovative full physiologic artificial lung that provides a breakthrough in mechanical ventilation training. TestChest promotes a safe and controlled environment free from risks of the clinical environment and eliminates the necessity of training on animals.
    Unique simulation features
    TestChest® has unique features in terms of representing complex breathing patterns through programmable driving pressure (p0.1) and respiratory rate. Muscular activity, important criteria for weaning, can be easily simulated.

    TestChest® has variable resistance and its inspiratory compliance is a non-linear function that can be represented as S-shape curve.
    TestChest® has a programmable FRC and allows the simulation of lung collapse and recruitment as well as hysteresis of the pressure-volume loop.

    Artificial Finger
    TestChest® realistically replicates gas exchange and hemodynamic responses.
    TCP/IP communication
    The communication with TestChest® is effectuated via standard TCP/IP network connections. TestChest® includes a user interface software that runs on any windows PC to be connected via Ethernet interface to the simulator.
    • Selection of preconfigures patients scenarios.
    • Selection of preconfigured spontaneous breaths.
    • Calibration procedure.
    • Setting of parameters for beginners and advanced users.
    • Storing new patients’ scenarios and saving the records in a CSV file.

    Calibration on national standards
    The calibration TestChest® is based on national standards due to the detachable calboard module. The latter contains alveolar, airway, and ambient
    pressure sensors as well as a temperature and oxygen sensors. A mass flow controller for CO2 delivery, programmable dead space and leakage are available.

    Accurate for years of use
    TestChest® consists of two bellows driven by a linear motor. The large volume ensures a realistic replication of vital capacity and FRC of an ICU
    adult patient. TestChest® features a detachable calibration module, which makes it accurate for years of use.

    Checking functionalities
    TestChest® is not only limited to training as it is further intended to check the functionalities of ventilators, CPAP devices and other respiratory support devices in laboratories facilities.



    广州市康蔚医学设备有限公司2017 版权所有

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