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    Orcamp Virtual Hybrid OR
    Product Details:

    The world's most realistic simulation
    The ORCAMP is the world’s most realistic training environment for surgical teams designed to improve health care productivity. The ORCAMP is a hands-on skills training solution in a simulated operating theatre environment including an operating table, C-arm and all control functions.
    The ORCAMP integrates a wide range of different simulation technologies to create the optimal realistic training set-up without necessarily ‘trying it out’ on real patients in real operating rooms. No exposure to real radiation. The ORCAMP offers:
    The world’s most realistic medical training experience in the hybrid operating room
    All simulated in a risk-free environment
    A unique opportunity to improve health care productivity through training of technical and nontechnical skills
    Whole teams practice together (Surgeons, Anaesthesiologists and Nurses)
    Basic to advanced procedures including aneurysms
    Image Management
    Option to train other modalities like laparoscopy and orthopedic surgery
    Option to tailor ORCAMP solutions to meet specific requirements




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